Annibale is a best seller hobo bag for multiple reasons. This unique handbag design has a comfortable shoulder strap that guides into an effortless hobo shape. In the center of this quality handbag is Anat Marin’s signature metal buckle adorned with laced grommets at the hem accented with fringe ends. The timeless design is reinforced with handmade stitches because the handwoven design is made for longer use by our boho-inspired buyers.
Annabelle is in high demand because it is a design concept from Anat Marin’s first handbag collection. As an eclectic hobo bag designer, Marin strived to create a timeless design with an indie twist. Whether this bag is for daily errands, the first date at a music concert, or a day at work, handbag lovers can trust this quality bag to support them throughout the day.
Contact Anat Marin if you have any questions regarding this unique and eclectic handbag design.
Annibale Handmade Woven Soft Leather Shoulder in White/Chocolate
- Top magnetic snap closure.
- Laced grommets at top hem, accented with fringe ends.
- Interior zip pocket and two wall pockets.
- Double handles with 10.5" drop.
- Signature logo plate.
- W17" x H12.5" Top 26.5"
- Original design by Anat Marin
In light of Covid-19, shipping may experience slight delays. Please note that average shipping time is 2-3 weeks when the handbag is out of stock or when the handbag is purchased as a special order.